Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vote or Die Part 2

So, P. Diddy is definitely certifiably insane and if you've ever seen Making the Band or I Want to Work for Diddy or basically ever heard anything even remotely relevant then you would not argue that point. One thing he is not though is stupid. I've really been enjoying his political videos. They're bizarre and a little bit creepy but its good to see that he's trying to voice his opinion in a way that maybe young people are more receptive to. Here's a new video about why Sarah Palin scares him.

I can't stress enough how important voting is this election, and I REALLY can't stress enough how important it is to vote based on who you think is going to be able to do the best job for this country. Don't get stuck in media bullshit. Don't get trapped by Democratic/Republican party boundaries. And please, please please don't vote for someone just because they are "pretty" (ahem, Kristin) - and at the same time, don't NOT vote for someone just because they are black. Our country is in a dire state and it's time for us to stand up and make some changes. If deep in your heart you truly believe in what Sarah Palin says then by all means vote for her and John McCain. But please consider that when McCain has a heart attack in office we are stuck with somebody who can't even name one newspaper or publication of reputation she's read and thinks international relations means being able to see Russia from Alaska. Tonight is Sarah Palin v Joe Biden, everybody should tune in.

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