Dear Ed Westwick, I have never seen Gossip Girl and I probably never will. I honestly don't really care. But I have been thinking for a while and there is something I need to get off my chest. I thinnnnk I am in love with you. I love that you say "baby" at least 4 times in every interview. I love that you wear really retarded clothing and look really fine in them. I love your barely buttoned shirt and your hairy stomach. I love that you are the singer in a grungy rock band and nobody even cares about them. Or at least I don't, so, you know, nobody cares. Anyway, you are really really really hot so lets get together. I'll meet you at the Waverly. Love, Mandi
I saw this video a while ago but Phill just sent it to me again and it is seriously really awesome. This song is made 90% from sound bites taken from Alice in Wonderland (like my favorite movie obvi). The video is just cuteness.
Yay, my birthday was yesterday and awesome and I have great friends who I am very very thankful for so thank you to everyone who did nice things for me and/or wished me a happy birthday.
More importantly- why did nobody ever know that the two prettiest princesses in the land are friends/lovers? I don't know whats going on this photo besides Lo looking like the shit faced drug addict she was/is and Hayden looking like she's 12 years old but who cares because its everything good in life.
So.. let's just forget about the fact that he has more Olympic golds than any other athlete, he's broken like 50 world records and is about to win what like 8 golds in one competition. Michael Phelps rules for something totally different: his response to finding out that the Chinese gold medals were 99% lead.
"I am very, very concerned about my extensive contact with gold medals," Mr. Phelps told reporters. "But what am I supposed to do? Stop being so awesome?"
First of all, I love that shirt. I saw some guy standing outside my work a few months ago and it made me giggle. Second of all, it brings up an important thought that goes through my head every morning. The streets of NYC are littered with people trying to sell I <3 NY shirts, various New York City shirts and the ever-popular New York Fuckin' City shirt. If you're not from the city (and even if you are) I could image the appeal of having an I <3 NY shirt and I'd be lying if I said there probably wasn't one in my room somewhere. But the real problem is, why are so many people walking around the city WEARING them? Do you go into the store, buy it, run into a Starbucks and get changed? Was there some part of you that thought it would make you look cool or native? Just in case you were misguided- its not cool. Stop. It's like wearing a shirt that says "I'm From Ohio Or Some Other State You Don't Care About". Jesus christ people.
My birthday is in two weeks and I WANT A LION. If this video does not move you to tears then just kill yourself now cause you suck at life and I hate you.
Also just because its Monday, here's Eva Mendes' new CK ad that's been banned because of a "nipple slip". Seriously this country needs to give it up because we are the absolute worst. Eva is hot. KY, BYE.
"How many youtube views do you think we'll have by the morning? Two million." I have never watched the X Games. I don't really care about extreme sports (or any sports) and as many people know I have a special place in the darkest part of my heart for skateboarding. Fuck that shit. Anyway, I watched the X Games Big Air competition last night and I fucking am glad I did. Big Air is a 62-foot-high, 293-foot-long mega fucking ramp. It is the hugest, steepest thing I have ever seen in my life. Danny Way is a big name is skateboarding and on his second run clipped his shins on the top of the TWENTY SEVEN FOOT HIGH quarterpipe. "The second most gnarly bail" according to the X Games fags. It's seriously brutal. After this out of control fall he decided he was going to continue taking the last three runs. I figured we were about to watch him die. Sike. He limped back up to the top of the ramp and did the EXACT SAME TRICKS and landed that shit like it was nbd.
After this insanity, he took his fourth run, slammed his head into some shit, obvi still decided he was going to take his final run, fucked that ramp like he'd been locked up for 10-15 and takes first place with 94.00. UNTIL. Bob Fucking Burnquist, the last and final competitor, decided ehh whatever I'm just doing to do the sickest trick anyone has ever done at the X Games, backwards.
He took the gold with a score of 96.00 which is the highest score ever received thus far. It sucks to be Danny Way.
Just for shits and giggles, here's this years bronze medal winner Jake Brown (or as the announcers called him the "bridesmaid") taking the most serious bail ever in the history of bails at last year's games.