Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today could have started out like any other Tuesday but it didn't. I was so surprised/excited/happy when I got to work this morning and saw this beautiful thing waiting for me!

Since I started working here as an intern I was stationed at what nobody realized was designed an "intern computer" aka a complete piece of shit. Lately I've been having a really difficult time even getting my job done because the computer was near death so I started hasseling people about what my chances were of getting a new one when we discovered I actually do deserve a real full time worker beautiful computer. After weeks of the run around I had accepted that there probably wasn't a great chance of anything actually getting accomplished but I was pleasantly proved wrong when I got in today and saw that Chris set up my fantastic big white perfect new computer for me.

Then to add the icing on the cake I got to have lunch with these fine characters!!

Spencer and Heidi were supposed to come almost a month ago and had to cancel at the last minute and I was sooo disappointed. It was totally worth the wait though because they were so funny and entertaining! Not to mention a little bit mean which obviously I love. The best part was that they did not hold back whatsoever about talking shit on Lauren, Brody and everyone else from the Hills/their life. If you want to know what they said you'll have to go out and buy next week's issue of Us Weekly! (;

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