Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pack Your Knives and Go

One of the many perks of my job is that I get to eat lunch with different celebrities, musicians and tv personalities. Previous contenders include Bret Michaels, Eva Mendes, Mary J. Blige and Natasha Bedingfield (snore). Today I had the pleasure of enjoying a meal with Top Chef's host and hostess, Tom Colicchio

and Padma Lakshmi.

I have to say that I have a big ol' crush on Chef Colicchio. He's a nice, mild-mannered guy with a shaved head (yum). He was pleasant and professional and adorable. Padma, not so much. She has a great body but she seems prettier on the show, not to mention that she is in desperate need of a stylist. She dominated most of the conversation and seemed more or less like a bitch. I will give her one thing though -girl can eat. I've never seen someone actually come to one of our lunches and do more than just push some salad around on a plate. Padma had two helpings of food and a cookie. Good for her.

Season 4: Chicago is promising to be the best season yet according to these two, with the contestants being overall the most talented so far. Noteworthy: no contestants were allowed to leave Chicago until the end of the competition because bloggers and newspapers were following them so closely that sending home the eliminated players would have spoiled the whole show before it even aired. They are not allowed cell phones, newspapers, television, magazines, books (except 2 non-food related books they are allowed to bring from home), music or any connection to the outside world at all. No wonder there's so much dramz.

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